Tuesday, October 7, 2008

yep, im sick

So I actually have a cold. I can always tell when one is one the way. It always starts as a sore throat, and then goes from there. I was trying to get my sleep, and fight it off. However, it didn't seem to help.


Anyways, aside from being sick and grumpy, I rediscovered the joys of downloading comic book torrents. I did it before awhile back for some obscure stuff, but then the thought occurred to me, "Hey, I could probably get almost any comic that I have ever wanted to read!".
I did some researching on Wikipedia to find out which series I might want to grab first, and I discovered that there was a Marvel Zombie series put out.
It also included crossover with the infamous Ash from the Evil dead/Army of Darkness universe.
I wont give much away, however it was a soso read. Some of it was funny, but very morbid at times and gory. So reader beware :P
Also a few of the events erked me, especially some of the deaths that occured, and the characters that were zombified.

I am not much of a comic book geek, I don't collect, but I do like to follow the story lines of the major characters in the Comic Book Universes.

I wonder if comic books are eligible as possible book club materials.....

1 comment:

Agent EE said...

they most defo are! I think that's a great idea!