Saturday, October 25, 2008

BUI: Blogging under the influence

I don't think I have ever really drunk dialed, or drunk facedbooked before, so this is a first for me.
Hopefully I can keep my "dont say anything really stupid" filter on while I do this....

Anyways, I went to the Scarefest 2008 at Canada Olympic Park. It cost 18 bucks, and we only went through 3 of the 5 scary areas.... the lines were massive.... I guess every pre teen and teenager that got out of school this Friday afternoon went down there tonight :P

The ones we went in were ok. Some had cheap scares that were fun. Some had cool ambiance to them that others didn't.
Also the people who work there who randomly walk around and scare the crowd were pretty good. they had a lot of dark figures lining the road.... most of them were just staked into the ground, but a few were alive and lunged at us as we walked by.....
They also had a girl on stilts walking quickly around and sneaking up on people. She had a mask and black cowel, she looked sort of like the took fairy from "Darkness Falls", and I think thats sort of what she was going for.
It looked pretty awesome.

My friends who I went with, one T-man, and one Cliona, had fun. It was probably more fun laughing at Cliona who was terrified of everything the whole time.

Afterwards we picked up Cliona's BF who bussed in from some far away place up north. Then we went to the Kilkenny pub in Brentwood for some drinks and food.
Hence the BUI your faced with at the moment :P

I am pretty tired now, after only getting 5 hours sleep last night... not sure what else to blog about atm.... maybe I will add more tomorrow on another page :)

1 comment:

scott said...

god that was long and boring :P