Thursday, October 2, 2008

blog hog

Was in a work sponsored course today. I don't have to pay, I still get payed my wage for the day. I got a free lunch and coffee and cookies and muffins. Plus, the course is two days..... so I get to do the same thing tomorrow!!!! :) pretty sweet.

Oooo there might be a recession soon, which means I might be able to buy a super cheap house if everybody who barely got into got in there overpriced 40 year mortgages walk out of them.
If it happens I will feel sorry for all those people who desperately needed a house, and are barely getting by now paying for it.

Also, I might be starting a group that will protest (in a friendly comical way) againt the online MMORPG, World of Warcraft or aka WOW.
I will call the group, People Against World of Warcraft, or PAWOW!
The amount of lives, relationships and even death that have occurred because of this game is pretty astounding..... I don't have any actual statistics, but I'm sure I will find some on Google.

Also I have been told that WOW takes has 10 million suscribers, which they charge the users approx. $15 a month to play. So that means they rake in 150 million a month, or 1.8 billion dollars a year! Also, they occasionally release an expansion pack every year or so, which retails around $50 each, so thats another 500 million every year! WTF its a video game people!!!!
2.3 billion dollars are being spent on a video game! No wonder were still trying to cure cancer, or Aids, or poverty.

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