Tuesday, October 28, 2008

nothing to see here, move along

I haven't wrote anything in while. I noticed I had 8 unique visitors one day, and some might have been from the US. I don't know anybody from there, so hopefully it was just a random person, and not some US stalker.

I watched the new Indiana Jones movie, and I was kind of disappointed. It was watchable, however it doesn't come close to equaling the awesomeness of the old ones. Harrison Ford is what? 66 years old? I don't really buy him jumping and running and swinging and fighting. I think if a 66 year old fell or was punched in the face, they would break multiple bones. Also I don't like the direction the went with the plot. I wont ruin it for you, but lets just say that it fails to suspend my disbelief, and this coming from a guy who watches zombies movies and plays D&D.

Speaking of D&D, we got together and played for 10 hours on Saturday. It was a pretty intense and awesome session, except when we got to the final boss, and our party got wiped out. It was just one of those chain reaction/domino effect type things. One bad decision (not by me thank god), and then things just spiralled out of control from there.

I went to Hot Yoga (aka Bikram Yoga) last night for the first time in a couple of months. It was pretty brutal, buy it was good. I strongly suggest that everybody try it a couple of times. The first time you will feel like your going to throw up. Especially if you eat too soon. I suggest hydrating all day, and having a very light light supper 3 hours before you go. One time I had pizza 3 hours before, and I almost lost it.
As far as the benefits of Hot Yoga, and what it is all about, it is like regular Yoga, but they put you in a room that is heated and humid. Sometimes up to 35 degrees.
It's pretty relaxing and good for cleansing and self reflection. I've been told that the stretching accomplished during doesn't really transfer to outside of the heated room because when your muscles are cold, they don't tend to stretch as easily. So don't try to be a super ninja after a few hot yoga sessions or you might pull something.

I bought an awesome new shirt for work, so be on the look out :P

Fallout 3 is out, I might pick that up for the PC, it's supposed to be awesome.
Oh, and I will do a separate blog out the World of Warcraft (WoW) zombie infestation later when I have time. I don't play WoW but a lot of my friends are trapped playing the evil and addicting game, and told me all about it. It sounds wild, but not enough to make me tempted to play the evil WoW game again. I have to go home now, I was blogging at work again :)

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