Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I had a pretty good day yesterday. My buddy Travis is back from working up north for the Forestry Dept, and he is now going to be around more as he got a job in Calgary.
He is a pretty awesome guy, pretty much the nicest guy I have even known.
He is also super fit, and motivational. He made me work out after supper for an hour.
I don't feel super sore either, but its probably been 8+ months since I've done any weight lifting.
I also was happy with myself. I played doom until 11:30, then was in bed at 12:08. I still 'accidentally' slept in, so I did in fact get 8hours sleep last night!! woo hoo!

I don't feel that much better, but I don't feel like a complete zombie today... so that's good....
I might try to go for a job after work tonight, but jogging is the hardest thing for me to do.

Oh ya, me and Travis also watched a movie last night called "In Bruges" with Collen Farrel, Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes. It was freakin hilarious. There are some scenes that were so ridiculously funny that we had to rewind them to watch again. I am usually against rewinding a movie to watch a scene again, but holy crap we just had too!

I have to start thinking up some ideas for cool halloween costumes for work.... only 30 days til halloween!!

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