Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Damn Doom

Crap, I didn't get to bed until 2am last night, and I blame that stupid PC game Doom3.
It's probably one of the top 3 scariest games to play on a computer, and for some reason I started playing it again.
It has such a eerie atmosphere. Your pretty much alone and trapped on a isolated base on mars, and all sorts of creepy things are lurking around trying to kill you.
The worst part is that they have lots of dark areas that you have to walk though, and they do give you a flash light to use. The bad news is that while your flashlight is out, you cannot use any of your weapons... so if a scary demon jumps out at you, you have to quickly change to a weapons and blindly shoot it before it eats you.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy monday!

So I survived the Wedding, and the day after.... It was pretty nice as far as Weddings go. I think I've been to over 10 weddings, and during each one a little voice inside my head screams, "Like hell I am paying 20K+ for one bloody day!!!".
It's not that I am against the idea of finding a soul mate and bonding for life and all that jazz, it's just I don't feel like one day of anything justifies spending enough money to buy a new car, or a down payment on a house...

The ceremony was held out in Kananaskis Village, over looking the valley. It was pretty awesome. Unfortunately it being almost October once the sun decided to hide behind a cloud for the whole thing, it got freakin' cold. I am a pretty hearty guy, and I was wearing a long sleeve shirt, and I started to get super cold. I feel bad for the bride and the bridesmaids who were all wearing sleeveless.
They did look quite lovely, and the bride was stunning.
And no I'm not gay, I just think they were amazing looking.

I didn't have much cash (like $10), it was supposed to be a Twoonie bar so I thought I'd be set for the evening. As it turns out the drinks were around 3:5o, so I ended up drinking the not so crappy tasting wine. I usually don't like wine, but this stuff wasn't too bad at all. And it was FREE!!!!

It kind of bugged me more that I didn't have that much cash on me. Even though I have debit, and a credit card, there is something about having a good chunk of cash on hand that makes me feel secure. Some places don't take plastic, and I am sure the bar at the reception would have been one of them... some other notible places that don't take plastic are drug dealers, prostitutes, and the Tim Horton's at the Airport.

Friday, September 26, 2008

no..... more.... food...

I had a potluck at work today. I made chocolate rice krispie squares which seemed to be pretty popular. I ate too much food, and then my mom told me that I had to come out for supper.....
I normally love to go out and eat supper, but not when I'm already stuffed.
Anyways, other than being full and tired (went to bed late again), my legs started to ache.... i think its because I didn't get enough sleep.

I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. The ceremony is in Kananaskis somewhere (I have got directions somewhere....), and the reception is in Calgary, so it should be a fun and busy day of driving.
I still have to get a gift, which will probably be cash seeing as I have no idea what to get them....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random funny pics



12 click program plz

One thing I thought I'd write about is my not so secret addiction. I seem to be addicted to staying up late and consuming media (no, not porn). It includes, but is not limited to, interesting blogs, news stories, funny/stupid videos. Sometimes I will watch a movie on my PC knowing full well that I am going to feel like shit the next day.
I will wake up tired as hell the next day, cursing myself, but doomed to repeat the cycle the next night.
It's not that I can't sleep, I just feel the urge to stay up and consume media. I feel like if I go to bed I will be missing out on something. Its like I am cheating time, but I know all that I am doing is ruining my health.
It is probably affecting my work, as I tend to feel like crap all day. I have trouble staying motivated and awake.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

wtf does that mean?

I finally decided to start my own blog. I can't promise it will be good, or accurate, or interesting, but I can gaurantee that it will be typed, and spellchecked, and in English.
Hope you enjoy it.