Monday, December 1, 2008


So I was told to blog by 2 out of my 4 loyal followers to blog soon... so I will g.damit.

Um... it's been pretty busy but good. I got a month pass at the Cardel Place up in Coventry, its a fitness/recreation center that has lots of fun things to do.
Mostly I've been playing badminton and ping pong. Oh, how I rock at Ping Pong!! I also have been in the pool, they have a "Lazy river" which basically swirl ls you around with the current of the water. It's super fun! If I win the lottery I am going to build one in my house but it will be twice as fun and ten times as fast.
I am trying to eat better and exercise a bit more. I still need to work on getting more sleep (as I write this at 1:00am).

My dad had to go in for some extensive tests on his heart, and they found that his arteries were pretty blocked up. He had to go in for an angioplasty which is were they put a balloon in your arteries (though your groin to your heart), and when it gets to the blocked part, they inflate it, and put a metal shint in to hold back the blockage. Needless to say the family was a bit uneasy, but I am happy to say that my dad is back home and seems to be doing well. He is trying to quit smoking and I think he realizes that some dietary changes are now required.

I have also been catching up with Season 3 of Dexter. It's still pretty good, but I think the first 2 Seasons were better. I still think it's a great show even though it is taking some heat because of that fanboy freak in Edmonton (i think) who worshipped the show and premise and lured another man to his house to kill and video tape. They caught the guy as far I know, but I don't think they found the body. Remember kids, things on TV shouldn't always be imitated!

I saw"Bolt" the new animated movie. It was pretty good, it took me half the movie to determine that it was John Travolta's voice that was being used for the dog. The movie was funny and pretty touching. The hamster and the poofy evil cat were horribly cute. Totally had an "awwww" factor off the charts.

I finished Fallout 3, it was a bit anticlimatic. I probably could have played the game for another week doing all the side quests, but after I got to the highest possible level (20), I found it a little boring. I did finish the game 3 different was, and part of the cinimatic is different at the end, but the end fight itself was too damn easy. I should have done it without armor and with a NailBoard that the Super mutants drop....

I might still play the game, make another charater, and try going a different path. Maybe I will be evil this time and kill everyone and everything in my path. I might even detonate the bomb in Megaton city and see how that pans out. I don't know how far in the game you can go if you blow up the starting city.

Left 4 Dead is out soon (or now) and it looks promising. I might try that out next. I also saw a trailer for Dead Space, that also looks good as a Scifi Space horror game.


Agent EE said...

so the fanboy freak guy, he is under custody of the police, but I just finished reading up on him and it was more along the lines of snuff films then Dexter. Creepy Creepy.

scott said...

thanks for the update :)