Friday, January 23, 2009

Gunna be rich

So I had a wicked dream last night, and I think it's going to be a million dollar idea.
It is the sequel to the movie gremlins 2.
It will take place in the original town that gremlins 1 took place in, except this time the movie is rated R for violence, and swearing.
After the end of Gremlins 2, some evil government group gets a sample of the dead gremlins and starts to do tests, they then travel to Kingston Falls where the first incident occurred to gather more samples. Then of course they are able to somehow clone or create the gremlins, except they go right into evil mode and start to slaughter everybody in town. Of course at the same time a local gang decides to make trouble, and the whole town is plunged into chaos.
Not sure how it ended, but I ended up killing one of the evil gremlins with two butcher knives.

The dream was quite graphic and vivid. The lab techs had all there throats clawed or chewed out. Lots of blood and gore.
Also somehow these gremlins were quicker and more stealthy than the previous ones. They stalked their prey in darkness.

Oh, and I have a few movies to review. I watched "Disaster movie", and "A Better Tomorrow" a old chinese action flick. I think I might have watched one more, but I cannot recall... I will have to scrub my brain.

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