Monday, November 3, 2008


So Halloween came and went. It was a pretty good one. The warmest Halloween I have ever witnessed. Usually it is super cold and there is usually snow on the ground. It was pretty great! Warm weather means the kiddo and his brother were able to go out extra long. I think we went for 2 to 3 hours. We started in Airdrie, then came to Calgary so that the Grand, an great Grand parents could check out the costumes. I think we were the last group of Trick or Treaters on the Street. Some of the houses where letting them grab as much candy as they wanted. By the end of the night, they both had 11lbs of candy each!!
The funny thing is, neither kid has a big sugar tooth. I think one year we ended up throwing the remaining candy out because it was almost a year old.
I am not sure if Candy goes bad.... but why take the risk :P

I didn't catch any of my childhood Halloween cartoon shows, Garfield's Halloween Special, and It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. Both have a nostalgic place in my heart. Garfield made me feel as a child very alone when they were both stuck on the island with no way off. Plus add the elements of ghost pirates, you got yourself a childhood trauma waiting to happen.
Also, the Great Pumpkin with Charlie Brown was always suereal to watch. The scenes with Snoppy as a downed WWI fighter pilot navigating his way alone in the war torn french country side was very disturbing. Also I would get super enraged with Linus, having wasted his Halloween sitting in a GD pumpkin patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin. Athough now I think that if I were waiting alone in the dark in a pumpkin patch on Halloween night, I would probably pee my pants :)
And who the hell gives out Rocks to little kids?! They should be stoned to death with those rocks!
The good news is because of the modern age of the internet and media sharing, I was able to find all the episodes on YouTube.
I will link them here enjoy! I need to ask Agent Double EE how to link with the video embedded in the blog itself.
Garfield Pt1

Charlie Brown Pt1

1 comment:

Agent EE said...

call me and I'll give you the low down :)