Tuesday, October 14, 2008

get paid to blog (blog at work!)

Just some things that are on my mind.
Why does time seem to be going faster and faster the older I get?
Why do I care less and less about having sex or companionship the more unfit I get? Or if I am feeling ill?
Where did my sense of smell go?! It's not completely gone, but I am definitely smelling impaired (olfactory challenged).
When will I find my penguin?
Why did they cancel Firefly!? It was a awesome show!
When will the Need of all outweigh the Greed of the few?
Can I leave work now?
Oh wait, yes I guess so :)

Plus: the websites I waste the most time on when I am at home. I am not going to link them, you can google them if you really want. I am lazy and at work......

TMCM - web comic
College humor - funny pics and vids. Some content is created exclusively for the site
ebaulmsworld - random vids, pics jokes etc site.
wwtdd - celeberty gossip/stalker site
funnyordie - funny indie comic short videos... mostly run by the Will Farrell and his bunch of clown friends.
OOTS - I read with my kid, a D&D humor online comic


Agent EE said...

other then the penguiny and sex thing it seems like instead of copy pasting our msn chat you're blogging our sit down and eat a hot dog chat!

scott said...

hehe if only i could talk to text every conversation with you into my blog, would save me tons of time!

Agent EE said...

I think they would have to be in rainbow text or that crazy glitter text

scott said...

how about angelic silver text?