So it's Halloween! I couldn't think of anything to dress up as at work. There were a lot of people that did. I think the best costume so far was a lady who dressed up as Mimi Bobek from the Drew Carey show. She had the clown makeup, the garish clothing, and the hair that looks like a wig (in this case it was a wig).
I watched Saw V last night, it was ok. It had some twists and turns and gore as per usual, but nothing that shocked or 'wowed' me as much as the first one did. When the first Saw came out, there hadn't been that type of movie out before as far as I know. It was fresh, scary, and had so many twists. The ending blew your mind!!
There is something wrong with my eye. Well not my eye exactly, the side of the nose that is right beside my eye has either been bitten by a bug, or decided to become a Stye. Either way it is achy, and it is causing my eye to swell up and look funny a bit.
Hopefully it doesn't get any worse. I am going to try a hot tea bag tonight, see if that works. My coworker told me to keep an eye on it. She isn't a professional comedian surprise surprise :P
Anyways, I've been told we can head out early for Halloween. I am going to go home and set up my fog machine and strobe light. I am taking the kiddo out tonight, so I will have to instruct my sister on how to use it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
candy mountain Charlie, candy mountain!
I am supposed to make up a song for a friend, but it's hard. The songs I have made up in the past were just randomly thrown together, and now that I have to make one up...... it's not as easy as I thought it would be.
I made a road trip out to Red Deer last night to cheer up my friend whom I made that top ten list for. We went to her weekly name that tune with her coworkers, and low and behold, we actually won!! Usually the people I am with don't like to do any of the bonus stuff, but our table got up and did every single thing asked for bonus points.
It was pretty fun :)
So today I am bagged, I even slept in a bit, but that didn't help at all. Tonight I am going to see "Saw V", hopefully it's better than #2 and #3. I thought #4 was ok, but the other two were lacking.
I really really really want to quarantine, but I promised my Vancouver buddy vegan.vwvixen (aka Laura) that we would rent it when she comes down for Christmas. She was my running and scary movie buddy. I miss her lots, she made me get my ass in shape :P
I got up to 10km, and one time she dragged me out to glenmore reservoir for a 12km run, turns out the glenmore loop is more like 21km. I couldn't walk really well afterwards, but I was proud of that accomplishment. Now I am back to square one.
I made a road trip out to Red Deer last night to cheer up my friend whom I made that top ten list for. We went to her weekly name that tune with her coworkers, and low and behold, we actually won!! Usually the people I am with don't like to do any of the bonus stuff, but our table got up and did every single thing asked for bonus points.
It was pretty fun :)
So today I am bagged, I even slept in a bit, but that didn't help at all. Tonight I am going to see "Saw V", hopefully it's better than #2 and #3. I thought #4 was ok, but the other two were lacking.
I really really really want to quarantine, but I promised my Vancouver buddy vegan.vwvixen (aka Laura) that we would rent it when she comes down for Christmas. She was my running and scary movie buddy. I miss her lots, she made me get my ass in shape :P
I got up to 10km, and one time she dragged me out to glenmore reservoir for a 12km run, turns out the glenmore loop is more like 21km. I couldn't walk really well afterwards, but I was proud of that accomplishment. Now I am back to square one.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
zombies and friendship
So I am going to talk about zombies in WoW, but first I have to write about my friend Agent EE.
She has had an extremely rough couple of days, but things will always get better :)
I came up with the top ten reason Agent EE is super awesome!
Not that any proof is required, but I just needed to get it off my chest.
#1 Super cute!
#2 Super sense of funky fashion!
#3 Her Love of Cephalopods!
#4 Her passion about everything!!
#5 Best ideas of fun things to do!
#6 Creative in so many ways!
#7 Has experienced life in ways that a lot of people would never even think to try!
#8 Inspires others to seek out passion and fun in life!
#9 Gives hope to those who had very little!
#10 She is the most giving, honest, life filled person that I have ever met! No matter what happens in my life, she will have always profoundly affected me!
Ok, now that that mush is over..... I swear I am turning into a girl :P
So, I have 3+ friends who play the evil and addicting World of Warcraft. I guess for an upcoming expansion that they are releasing, and probably also because Halloween is almost here, they had started introducing Zombies to the game.
I guess there are tainted boxes and cockroaches in the game, if you click on them you get infected. At first the infection would take 10 mins to kill you, and then you become a zombie.
After that, you gain Zombie powers and lose health over time. To gain health you must.... take a guess, attack other players and computer controlled characters in the game. Doing so causes them to become infected, and eventually turns them into zombies. Eventually you can create a small army of zombies who then can roam the land spreading their unique style of culture :)
My friends who first encountered it said it was just like being in a zombie movie. Before they were killed and turned, they said that there were so many zombies coming from all over, that they were frantic and scared.
Now, days later, it only takes 2 mins or less to become infected. So it makes playing the actual game really hard as there are so many zombies running around raiding the towns and quest areas.
I wish I was still playing the game, and could have experienced the initial invasion, it would have been awesome!
Just in case the infection spreads to the real world, some required reading would be "World War Z" and "The Zombie Survival Guide" both full of stories and tips to help you survive in a zombie filled world.
Oh, and he does have one about robots, but robots aren't that scary are they?
And yes, I google, or Wikipedia everything! It's like a joke I heard, there is no more wondering about stuff anymore like when you were a kid, just google it!
Oh, and I have to give props to my buddy to told me that all she blogs about are top ten lists. Thanks, jodiisallaboutjodi
She has had an extremely rough couple of days, but things will always get better :)
I came up with the top ten reason Agent EE is super awesome!
Not that any proof is required, but I just needed to get it off my chest.
#1 Super cute!
#2 Super sense of funky fashion!
#3 Her Love of Cephalopods!
#4 Her passion about everything!!
#5 Best ideas of fun things to do!
#6 Creative in so many ways!
#7 Has experienced life in ways that a lot of people would never even think to try!
#8 Inspires others to seek out passion and fun in life!
#9 Gives hope to those who had very little!
#10 She is the most giving, honest, life filled person that I have ever met! No matter what happens in my life, she will have always profoundly affected me!
Ok, now that that mush is over..... I swear I am turning into a girl :P
So, I have 3+ friends who play the evil and addicting World of Warcraft. I guess for an upcoming expansion that they are releasing, and probably also because Halloween is almost here, they had started introducing Zombies to the game.
I guess there are tainted boxes and cockroaches in the game, if you click on them you get infected. At first the infection would take 10 mins to kill you, and then you become a zombie.
After that, you gain Zombie powers and lose health over time. To gain health you must.... take a guess, attack other players and computer controlled characters in the game. Doing so causes them to become infected, and eventually turns them into zombies. Eventually you can create a small army of zombies who then can roam the land spreading their unique style of culture :)
My friends who first encountered it said it was just like being in a zombie movie. Before they were killed and turned, they said that there were so many zombies coming from all over, that they were frantic and scared.
Now, days later, it only takes 2 mins or less to become infected. So it makes playing the actual game really hard as there are so many zombies running around raiding the towns and quest areas.
I wish I was still playing the game, and could have experienced the initial invasion, it would have been awesome!
Just in case the infection spreads to the real world, some required reading would be "World War Z" and "The Zombie Survival Guide" both full of stories and tips to help you survive in a zombie filled world.
Oh, and he does have one about robots, but robots aren't that scary are they?
And yes, I google, or Wikipedia everything! It's like a joke I heard, there is no more wondering about stuff anymore like when you were a kid, just google it!
Oh, and I have to give props to my buddy to told me that all she blogs about are top ten lists. Thanks, jodiisallaboutjodi
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
nothing to see here, move along
I haven't wrote anything in while. I noticed I had 8 unique visitors one day, and some might have been from the US. I don't know anybody from there, so hopefully it was just a random person, and not some US stalker.
I watched the new Indiana Jones movie, and I was kind of disappointed. It was watchable, however it doesn't come close to equaling the awesomeness of the old ones. Harrison Ford is what? 66 years old? I don't really buy him jumping and running and swinging and fighting. I think if a 66 year old fell or was punched in the face, they would break multiple bones. Also I don't like the direction the went with the plot. I wont ruin it for you, but lets just say that it fails to suspend my disbelief, and this coming from a guy who watches zombies movies and plays D&D.
Speaking of D&D, we got together and played for 10 hours on Saturday. It was a pretty intense and awesome session, except when we got to the final boss, and our party got wiped out. It was just one of those chain reaction/domino effect type things. One bad decision (not by me thank god), and then things just spiralled out of control from there.
I went to Hot Yoga (aka Bikram Yoga) last night for the first time in a couple of months. It was pretty brutal, buy it was good. I strongly suggest that everybody try it a couple of times. The first time you will feel like your going to throw up. Especially if you eat too soon. I suggest hydrating all day, and having a very light light supper 3 hours before you go. One time I had pizza 3 hours before, and I almost lost it.
As far as the benefits of Hot Yoga, and what it is all about, it is like regular Yoga, but they put you in a room that is heated and humid. Sometimes up to 35 degrees.
It's pretty relaxing and good for cleansing and self reflection. I've been told that the stretching accomplished during doesn't really transfer to outside of the heated room because when your muscles are cold, they don't tend to stretch as easily. So don't try to be a super ninja after a few hot yoga sessions or you might pull something.
I bought an awesome new shirt for work, so be on the look out :P
Fallout 3 is out, I might pick that up for the PC, it's supposed to be awesome.
Oh, and I will do a separate blog out the World of Warcraft (WoW) zombie infestation later when I have time. I don't play WoW but a lot of my friends are trapped playing the evil and addicting game, and told me all about it. It sounds wild, but not enough to make me tempted to play the evil WoW game again. I have to go home now, I was blogging at work again :)
I watched the new Indiana Jones movie, and I was kind of disappointed. It was watchable, however it doesn't come close to equaling the awesomeness of the old ones. Harrison Ford is what? 66 years old? I don't really buy him jumping and running and swinging and fighting. I think if a 66 year old fell or was punched in the face, they would break multiple bones. Also I don't like the direction the went with the plot. I wont ruin it for you, but lets just say that it fails to suspend my disbelief, and this coming from a guy who watches zombies movies and plays D&D.
Speaking of D&D, we got together and played for 10 hours on Saturday. It was a pretty intense and awesome session, except when we got to the final boss, and our party got wiped out. It was just one of those chain reaction/domino effect type things. One bad decision (not by me thank god), and then things just spiralled out of control from there.
I went to Hot Yoga (aka Bikram Yoga) last night for the first time in a couple of months. It was pretty brutal, buy it was good. I strongly suggest that everybody try it a couple of times. The first time you will feel like your going to throw up. Especially if you eat too soon. I suggest hydrating all day, and having a very light light supper 3 hours before you go. One time I had pizza 3 hours before, and I almost lost it.
As far as the benefits of Hot Yoga, and what it is all about, it is like regular Yoga, but they put you in a room that is heated and humid. Sometimes up to 35 degrees.
It's pretty relaxing and good for cleansing and self reflection. I've been told that the stretching accomplished during doesn't really transfer to outside of the heated room because when your muscles are cold, they don't tend to stretch as easily. So don't try to be a super ninja after a few hot yoga sessions or you might pull something.
I bought an awesome new shirt for work, so be on the look out :P
Fallout 3 is out, I might pick that up for the PC, it's supposed to be awesome.
Oh, and I will do a separate blog out the World of Warcraft (WoW) zombie infestation later when I have time. I don't play WoW but a lot of my friends are trapped playing the evil and addicting game, and told me all about it. It sounds wild, but not enough to make me tempted to play the evil WoW game again. I have to go home now, I was blogging at work again :)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
BUI: Blogging under the influence
I don't think I have ever really drunk dialed, or drunk facedbooked before, so this is a first for me.
Hopefully I can keep my "dont say anything really stupid" filter on while I do this....
Anyways, I went to the Scarefest 2008 at Canada Olympic Park. It cost 18 bucks, and we only went through 3 of the 5 scary areas.... the lines were massive.... I guess every pre teen and teenager that got out of school this Friday afternoon went down there tonight :P
The ones we went in were ok. Some had cheap scares that were fun. Some had cool ambiance to them that others didn't.
Also the people who work there who randomly walk around and scare the crowd were pretty good. they had a lot of dark figures lining the road.... most of them were just staked into the ground, but a few were alive and lunged at us as we walked by.....
They also had a girl on stilts walking quickly around and sneaking up on people. She had a mask and black cowel, she looked sort of like the took fairy from "Darkness Falls", and I think thats sort of what she was going for.
It looked pretty awesome.
My friends who I went with, one T-man, and one Cliona, had fun. It was probably more fun laughing at Cliona who was terrified of everything the whole time.
Afterwards we picked up Cliona's BF who bussed in from some far away place up north. Then we went to the Kilkenny pub in Brentwood for some drinks and food.
Hence the BUI your faced with at the moment :P
I am pretty tired now, after only getting 5 hours sleep last night... not sure what else to blog about atm.... maybe I will add more tomorrow on another page :)
Hopefully I can keep my "dont say anything really stupid" filter on while I do this....
Anyways, I went to the Scarefest 2008 at Canada Olympic Park. It cost 18 bucks, and we only went through 3 of the 5 scary areas.... the lines were massive.... I guess every pre teen and teenager that got out of school this Friday afternoon went down there tonight :P
The ones we went in were ok. Some had cheap scares that were fun. Some had cool ambiance to them that others didn't.
Also the people who work there who randomly walk around and scare the crowd were pretty good. they had a lot of dark figures lining the road.... most of them were just staked into the ground, but a few were alive and lunged at us as we walked by.....
They also had a girl on stilts walking quickly around and sneaking up on people. She had a mask and black cowel, she looked sort of like the took fairy from "Darkness Falls", and I think thats sort of what she was going for.
It looked pretty awesome.
My friends who I went with, one T-man, and one Cliona, had fun. It was probably more fun laughing at Cliona who was terrified of everything the whole time.
Afterwards we picked up Cliona's BF who bussed in from some far away place up north. Then we went to the Kilkenny pub in Brentwood for some drinks and food.
Hence the BUI your faced with at the moment :P
I am pretty tired now, after only getting 5 hours sleep last night... not sure what else to blog about atm.... maybe I will add more tomorrow on another page :)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Insert Title here Later
So ya... watched another scarrrieee movie last night. "The Strangers" with Liv Tyler and Scott Spedman. I was supposed to be in it, but I was busy working full time.
It was based on true events, but I always take that with a grain of salt after doing some research into the "true events" that the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (TCM) was based on. Basically the real life guy killed 2 people, and used to dig up bodies and make stuff out of them. Whoopee frigging doo. The TCM movies were wayyy worse and creepy and gory....
Anways, "The Strangers" was pretty good, the built the tension well, and there were some jumpy scenes and creepy stuff....
I also am heading to Screamfest 2008 at Canada Olympic Park. It's usually pretty good :) pretty scary stuff.
For some weird reason, Wenesday and Thursday felt like Friday... so I wonder what Friday is going to feel like... I hope it doesn't feel like Monday.
Also, everyone who reads this should go to the following link, your life might depend on it!!!!!
It was based on true events, but I always take that with a grain of salt after doing some research into the "true events" that the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (TCM) was based on. Basically the real life guy killed 2 people, and used to dig up bodies and make stuff out of them. Whoopee frigging doo. The TCM movies were wayyy worse and creepy and gory....
Anways, "The Strangers" was pretty good, the built the tension well, and there were some jumpy scenes and creepy stuff....
I also am heading to Screamfest 2008 at Canada Olympic Park. It's usually pretty good :) pretty scary stuff.
For some weird reason, Wenesday and Thursday felt like Friday... so I wonder what Friday is going to feel like... I hope it doesn't feel like Monday.
Also, everyone who reads this should go to the following link, your life might depend on it!!!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
my brains are safe, for now
CRAP!! I forgot and completely missed the 2008 zombie walk!
I usually don't participate, but I took my kid last year to see if he would be scared or how he would react to a mob of zombies walking towards him.
Zombie walk is a global phenomenon where people spontaneously organize (yes i know oxy moron), and wander around the city attempting to freak people out and eat there brains.
Last year, me and my son went down to 17th were their zombie walk route was supposed to take them, and grabbed some food as we waited. He almost missed them because he does get focused and distracted on things, but I happened to point out the zombies. He took a pause, didn't act scared, and said something like, "what are they doing?". I tried to play along and convince him that they were real zombies, but he wasn't buying it. Either way we had fun watching the crowd walk by, and even though he knew they weren't real, some of the scarier and gorier costumes did make him get a bit scared.
Hopefully I will remember for next year, and take him again to see if he will fall for it. After two years, maybe he would have forgotten. A word to the wise, it's never a bad time to try to permanently traumatize your children.
Links to zombie walk information and pics.
I usually don't participate, but I took my kid last year to see if he would be scared or how he would react to a mob of zombies walking towards him.
Zombie walk is a global phenomenon where people spontaneously organize (yes i know oxy moron), and wander around the city attempting to freak people out and eat there brains.
Last year, me and my son went down to 17th were their zombie walk route was supposed to take them, and grabbed some food as we waited. He almost missed them because he does get focused and distracted on things, but I happened to point out the zombies. He took a pause, didn't act scared, and said something like, "what are they doing?". I tried to play along and convince him that they were real zombies, but he wasn't buying it. Either way we had fun watching the crowd walk by, and even though he knew they weren't real, some of the scarier and gorier costumes did make him get a bit scared.
Hopefully I will remember for next year, and take him again to see if he will fall for it. After two years, maybe he would have forgotten. A word to the wise, it's never a bad time to try to permanently traumatize your children.
Links to zombie walk information and pics.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
PBJ time
I went to work, even though I wasn't feeling 100%, and I did mange to survive. I am still at work surprise surprise, but as soon as I get home I think I need to lay down.
Sad thing is, I think the flu thing I had ran me down so much, that I might be catching my cold again that I had 2 weeks ago. WTF!!!
Guess I will get lots of sleep, drink lots of fluids and load up on Vitamin C. Hopefully that will be enough.
Saw this online, its somebody's house with a screen in the windows showing super rad halloween stuff.....
Sad thing is, I think the flu thing I had ran me down so much, that I might be catching my cold again that I had 2 weeks ago. WTF!!!
Guess I will get lots of sleep, drink lots of fluids and load up on Vitamin C. Hopefully that will be enough.
Saw this online, its somebody's house with a screen in the windows showing super rad halloween stuff.....
Monday, October 20, 2008
Killer plants!!
So I am getting over my sudden illness. Last night I got really sick with flu like symptoms, slept 14 hours, and im feeling a bit better now. I watched the rest of the Sara Conner Chronicles, so far its pretty good.
I stayed home from work, and I think I should go in tomorrow, as I have a meeting in the morning that might be important.
I also watched "The Happening" by that M. Night guy. It was weird, but I think I liked it. In a way it was pretty depressing.
I still have to make up a song for Agent EE. I made up one based off an Adam Sandler audio skit, but I couldn't lie and say it was completely mine :(
I also played a little counter strike source, I love the zombie maps. Although they can get annoying after awhile. Basically one person spawns as a zombie and runs around infecting everybody else on the map. The uninfected have to hide or barricade themselves in areas.
Some of the maps are pretty sweet, and the zombie skins (what they look like) are also pretty creepy and cool. Be warned, some are pretty gruesome :P
I stayed home from work, and I think I should go in tomorrow, as I have a meeting in the morning that might be important.
I also watched "The Happening" by that M. Night guy. It was weird, but I think I liked it. In a way it was pretty depressing.
I still have to make up a song for Agent EE. I made up one based off an Adam Sandler audio skit, but I couldn't lie and say it was completely mine :(
I also played a little counter strike source, I love the zombie maps. Although they can get annoying after awhile. Basically one person spawns as a zombie and runs around infecting everybody else on the map. The uninfected have to hide or barricade themselves in areas.
Some of the maps are pretty sweet, and the zombie skins (what they look like) are also pretty creepy and cool. Be warned, some are pretty gruesome :P
Sunday, October 19, 2008
road trip
As some of you may or may not know, I have a 10 year old son whom I get every other weekend. I never no what to do with him, and getting him away from the computer or TV is like pulling teeth, so today my strategy was to not tell him where we were going, but make him come with me.
So we drove to the Sentry Box, which is a geek's utopia of card games, miniature battle games, role playing games, and they even have an awesome board game selection and anime selection. They also have events and tournements there, today in the upper section, they had at least 30 people playing various games.
It's basically a store where a geek could spend 2 hours in without spending a dime and just gawk at everything in there.

If I wasn't so cheap I'd have probably spent at least 200-300 dollars for sure :P
I think he had a pretty good time, even though we didn't buy anything, it was cool looking at everything with him.
After that, we drove to a different Canadian Tire and found a fog machine. I bought two jugs of fog fluid, and tried it out at home. It works ok, but I think I need to buy a timer for it. Otherwise you have to sit there and press the on button every once and awhile :(
I should buy another one though, then I could have two going and really make a foggy Halloween night :)
I don't know what we are going to do tomorrow. Maybe take him to the bar and teach him how to drink. I think your liver is fully developed at 10 right?? hehehe
After we got back and were done playing with the fog machine, we watched a really crummy horror movie called "Buried Alive". It wasn't released in theaters and it wasn't even lame in a good way. My kiddo was scared, so he wanted me to put something not as scary on after, so we watched a nightmare before Christmas, which for some reason creeped me out a lot this time.

It was way creepier than the stupid lame horror movie he was scared of.
Maybe tomorrow we can go shopping for a cell phone. I was told surprisingly enough that Marlborough mall has a lot of good cell phone kiosks to check phones out at.
Oh yea, here is an awesome blog, if I were cool, this would be my blog for sure.
So we drove to the Sentry Box, which is a geek's utopia of card games, miniature battle games, role playing games, and they even have an awesome board game selection and anime selection. They also have events and tournements there, today in the upper section, they had at least 30 people playing various games.
It's basically a store where a geek could spend 2 hours in without spending a dime and just gawk at everything in there.

If I wasn't so cheap I'd have probably spent at least 200-300 dollars for sure :P
I think he had a pretty good time, even though we didn't buy anything, it was cool looking at everything with him.
After that, we drove to a different Canadian Tire and found a fog machine. I bought two jugs of fog fluid, and tried it out at home. It works ok, but I think I need to buy a timer for it. Otherwise you have to sit there and press the on button every once and awhile :(
I should buy another one though, then I could have two going and really make a foggy Halloween night :)
I don't know what we are going to do tomorrow. Maybe take him to the bar and teach him how to drink. I think your liver is fully developed at 10 right?? hehehe
After we got back and were done playing with the fog machine, we watched a really crummy horror movie called "Buried Alive". It wasn't released in theaters and it wasn't even lame in a good way. My kiddo was scared, so he wanted me to put something not as scary on after, so we watched a nightmare before Christmas, which for some reason creeped me out a lot this time.

It was way creepier than the stupid lame horror movie he was scared of.
Maybe tomorrow we can go shopping for a cell phone. I was told surprisingly enough that Marlborough mall has a lot of good cell phone kiosks to check phones out at.
Oh yea, here is an awesome blog, if I were cool, this would be my blog for sure.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
cleanliness is next to godliness
So I had to use some bar soap today that had microbeads in it. You know, the same stuff they put in certain facial cleaners? Basically its like adding sand to your soap. I hate the stuff. It's ridiculous. I am sure some people (mostly girls) swear by the stuff, but I just can't help feeling less clean when scrubbing with sand and soap. I also worry that the sand will cause skin cancer as it irritates the surface :P Microclean
My running buddy who moved away to Vancouver is comming down for Christmas, so I am pretty excited about that. I was going to visit her before Winter, but I just got busy all the time and didn't make it out there.
We also used to be scary movie buddies, and one movie that looks like it has the potential of scaring the crap out of me is Quarantine. I think it's just in the theaters now, so I don't think it will stay until December so that we can both watch it.

Scary movies Rock BTW.
I will add some pics later when I am not at work. I still cannot add images to my blog at work.
My running buddy who moved away to Vancouver is comming down for Christmas, so I am pretty excited about that. I was going to visit her before Winter, but I just got busy all the time and didn't make it out there.
We also used to be scary movie buddies, and one movie that looks like it has the potential of scaring the crap out of me is Quarantine. I think it's just in the theaters now, so I don't think it will stay until December so that we can both watch it.

Scary movies Rock BTW.
I will add some pics later when I am not at work. I still cannot add images to my blog at work.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
sup ya'll tiger woods ya'll
Hey, did I mention that I am a media junkie?
Either way, I have to thank Agent EE for sending me links to cool new music that I would otherwise not be exposed too.
Ween, MGMT, mother mother, Chicane, Tegan and Sara, Small Sins, um, probably a few more that I can't recall :)
The music is mostly indie, I think Tegan and Sara are the closest thing to mainstream in that list.
I usually am only exposed to mainstream sadly, mostly because I am not cool enough to know about indie artists. I don't really listen to the radio (CJSW) or watch the indie shows on Much Music or MTV.
I downloaded the Sara Conner Chronicles, so I will probably watch that all night :( stupid media junkie.
Hopefully consuming all this media will one day pay off. Maybe I'll come up with a 'get rich quick' scheme that involves media and the Internet :P
If anybody has an idea for me to get rich, let me know. If it works I will give you half.
I really want to buy a fog machine for Halloween. I went to 2 Canadian tires and they were sold out. Wal-mart might have one, but Wal-mart is evil. Will I be tempted, and support the big blue box? I saw a documentary on people who live in small towns that try to keep wall mart out of there towns. It's funny though, about half of the town wants it, the other half doesn't.

I was thinking if they were cheap enough, I would surround my house with them, that way the zombies wont find me ;)
Either way, I have to thank Agent EE for sending me links to cool new music that I would otherwise not be exposed too.
Ween, MGMT, mother mother, Chicane, Tegan and Sara, Small Sins, um, probably a few more that I can't recall :)
The music is mostly indie, I think Tegan and Sara are the closest thing to mainstream in that list.
I usually am only exposed to mainstream sadly, mostly because I am not cool enough to know about indie artists. I don't really listen to the radio (CJSW) or watch the indie shows on Much Music or MTV.
I downloaded the Sara Conner Chronicles, so I will probably watch that all night :( stupid media junkie.
Hopefully consuming all this media will one day pay off. Maybe I'll come up with a 'get rich quick' scheme that involves media and the Internet :P
If anybody has an idea for me to get rich, let me know. If it works I will give you half.
I really want to buy a fog machine for Halloween. I went to 2 Canadian tires and they were sold out. Wal-mart might have one, but Wal-mart is evil. Will I be tempted, and support the big blue box? I saw a documentary on people who live in small towns that try to keep wall mart out of there towns. It's funny though, about half of the town wants it, the other half doesn't.

I was thinking if they were cheap enough, I would surround my house with them, that way the zombies wont find me ;)
Fog Machine,
mother mother,
Small Sins,
Tegan and Sara,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Unknown Moments
So half life 2 had a bunch of mods created like half life 1 did.
Some of them were pretty darned awesome, like counterstrike, Day of Defeat, etc.
Apparently theres a mod called Garry's Mod that lets you play with the environment and characters from Half life 2. Its pretty sweet from what I can tell.
However, some guys decided to put together some videos to music and quotes from movies n'stuff, and this is what they made.
Some of it is a bit violent, but hey, I'm decensitized, shouldn't you be by now?
Unknown Moments pt1
Unknown Moments pt2
Unknown Moments pt3 (party boy scene almost made me pee my pants)
Some of them were pretty darned awesome, like counterstrike, Day of Defeat, etc.
Apparently theres a mod called Garry's Mod that lets you play with the environment and characters from Half life 2. Its pretty sweet from what I can tell.
However, some guys decided to put together some videos to music and quotes from movies n'stuff, and this is what they made.
Some of it is a bit violent, but hey, I'm decensitized, shouldn't you be by now?
Unknown Moments pt1
Unknown Moments pt2
Unknown Moments pt3 (party boy scene almost made me pee my pants)
Garry's Mod,
Half Life 2,
Unknown Moments
get paid to blog (blog at work!)
Just some things that are on my mind.
Why does time seem to be going faster and faster the older I get?
Why do I care less and less about having sex or companionship the more unfit I get? Or if I am feeling ill?
Where did my sense of smell go?! It's not completely gone, but I am definitely smelling impaired (olfactory challenged).
When will I find my penguin?
Why did they cancel Firefly!? It was a awesome show!
When will the Need of all outweigh the Greed of the few?
Can I leave work now?
Oh wait, yes I guess so :)
Plus: the websites I waste the most time on when I am at home. I am not going to link them, you can google them if you really want. I am lazy and at work......
TMCM - web comic
College humor - funny pics and vids. Some content is created exclusively for the site
ebaulmsworld - random vids, pics jokes etc site.
wwtdd - celeberty gossip/stalker site
funnyordie - funny indie comic short videos... mostly run by the Will Farrell and his bunch of clown friends.
OOTS - I read with my kid, a D&D humor online comic
Why does time seem to be going faster and faster the older I get?
Why do I care less and less about having sex or companionship the more unfit I get? Or if I am feeling ill?
Where did my sense of smell go?! It's not completely gone, but I am definitely smelling impaired (olfactory challenged).
When will I find my penguin?
Why did they cancel Firefly!? It was a awesome show!
When will the Need of all outweigh the Greed of the few?
Can I leave work now?
Oh wait, yes I guess so :)
Plus: the websites I waste the most time on when I am at home. I am not going to link them, you can google them if you really want. I am lazy and at work......
TMCM - web comic
College humor - funny pics and vids. Some content is created exclusively for the site
ebaulmsworld - random vids, pics jokes etc site.
wwtdd - celeberty gossip/stalker site
funnyordie - funny indie comic short videos... mostly run by the Will Farrell and his bunch of clown friends.
OOTS - I read with my kid, a D&D humor online comic
"turkey for you, turkey for me"
Well another Thanksgiving came and gone, it went pretty good. Lots of good food, family wasn't too rambunctious. I didn't stuff myself like I usually do, probably a good thing.
Went to Chinook Mall today with a cool friend. We walked around and looked at a lot of stuff. I didn't really buy anything other than a coffee. It was fun to just talk and discuss things, lots of people to watch. I guess when people have a Monday off they would rather go to a mall, and blow lots of money on stuff they don't really need.
Oh ya, my cousin sent me a link to a crazy movie called Zeitgeist Addendum about how the monetary system actually works. Very interesting stuff, its kind of like Bowling for columbine trippy., its 2 hours long, but if some of what they talk about is true then its pretty mind blowing stuff. I am pretty skeptical, but they way the world is going, it makes sense that the systems in place today, wont be able to last forever.
I should start focusing on what is right with the world, at least once a day :) Today I saw a coin purse that said something to the effect of, "Just because I love Rainbows, doesn't mean I'm gay".

Went to Chinook Mall today with a cool friend. We walked around and looked at a lot of stuff. I didn't really buy anything other than a coffee. It was fun to just talk and discuss things, lots of people to watch. I guess when people have a Monday off they would rather go to a mall, and blow lots of money on stuff they don't really need.
Oh ya, my cousin sent me a link to a crazy movie called Zeitgeist Addendum about how the monetary system actually works. Very interesting stuff, its kind of like Bowling for columbine trippy., its 2 hours long, but if some of what they talk about is true then its pretty mind blowing stuff. I am pretty skeptical, but they way the world is going, it makes sense that the systems in place today, wont be able to last forever.
I should start focusing on what is right with the world, at least once a day :) Today I saw a coin purse that said something to the effect of, "Just because I love Rainbows, doesn't mean I'm gay".

It was pretty cute.
I am also adding lots of tags to my blogs now, I hear that's how people search and find them via google and other search engines.... see if it works :)
I am also adding lots of tags to my blogs now, I hear that's how people search and find them via google and other search engines.... see if it works :)
Bowling for Columbine,
Chinook Mall,
Friday, October 10, 2008
TGIF or TGFT thank god for turkey!
It's turkey weekend! I am still on the mend from my cold. It isn't as bad as it was, but I still feel whiney so I must still be sick.
I have been playing D&D 4th Edition with some buddies, and we had to start remaking our characters again. This is the third time since we stared playing the new edition. It's getting rather annoying to have to switch guys all the time. I have no idea what I am going to be. The last guy I had was pretty good at taking names and kicking arse.
I finished reading the World War Hulk saga, and now I am waiting for a torrent to download which has 12GB's worth of marvel comics in it. It's supposed to be every major event series starting with FF and Galactis.
It's fun to read all the comics, but its annoying because for some god awful reason they are all in a .cbr format which a comic book format file extension, and so you have to change it to a rar, and then open it up with some archiving software like bitzipper, or WinRar.
Then you have to extract each one into a folder. It doesn't seem that bad, but when you have dozens or hundreds of .cbrs to do this for, it gets annoying :(
Also, I don't know why they are zipped in the first place. Each one zipped only saves maybe 1% space! Maybe there is a .cbr reader that I could download that would make this easier, but I haven't bothered looking.
Oh ya, guess what, there might be some sweet games that I might actually be excited about playing coming out soon.

A Halo Real Time Strategy game. Looks pretty neat from what I can tell.
Dead Space, a horror game set in a future outer space setting. Fallout 3, a modern version of an old post apocalyptic game that I never knew existed, but I probably would have loved.
Supposedly StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3 will be out sometime soon, but I can't say I'm terribly looking forward to them. Looks like the same games, but better background graphics and some new powers and options n'suff. Nothing super spectacular. Hopefully the game play will be the thing that makes them great, just as the previous versions.
Left 4 Dead, a Half life 2 zombie mod that seems like it has the potential to be pretty awesome.
Oh, and F.E.A.R 2 will be out next year, I can't wait to pee my pants again. That one was pretty darned freaky!!
Oh, and for some G-damn reason I cannot add images to my Blog from work!! What the hell!
I have been playing D&D 4th Edition with some buddies, and we had to start remaking our characters again. This is the third time since we stared playing the new edition. It's getting rather annoying to have to switch guys all the time. I have no idea what I am going to be. The last guy I had was pretty good at taking names and kicking arse.
I finished reading the World War Hulk saga, and now I am waiting for a torrent to download which has 12GB's worth of marvel comics in it. It's supposed to be every major event series starting with FF and Galactis.
It's fun to read all the comics, but its annoying because for some god awful reason they are all in a .cbr format which a comic book format file extension, and so you have to change it to a rar, and then open it up with some archiving software like bitzipper, or WinRar.
Then you have to extract each one into a folder. It doesn't seem that bad, but when you have dozens or hundreds of .cbrs to do this for, it gets annoying :(
Also, I don't know why they are zipped in the first place. Each one zipped only saves maybe 1% space! Maybe there is a .cbr reader that I could download that would make this easier, but I haven't bothered looking.
Oh ya, guess what, there might be some sweet games that I might actually be excited about playing coming out soon.

A Halo Real Time Strategy game. Looks pretty neat from what I can tell.
Dead Space, a horror game set in a future outer space setting. Fallout 3, a modern version of an old post apocalyptic game that I never knew existed, but I probably would have loved.
Supposedly StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3 will be out sometime soon, but I can't say I'm terribly looking forward to them. Looks like the same games, but better background graphics and some new powers and options n'suff. Nothing super spectacular. Hopefully the game play will be the thing that makes them great, just as the previous versions.
Left 4 Dead, a Half life 2 zombie mod that seems like it has the potential to be pretty awesome.
Oh, and F.E.A.R 2 will be out next year, I can't wait to pee my pants again. That one was pretty darned freaky!!
Oh, and for some G-damn reason I cannot add images to my Blog from work!! What the hell!
D and D,
Diablo 3,
Half Life 2,
Halo Wars,
Left 4 Dead,
Starcraft 2
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
yep, im sick
So I actually have a cold. I can always tell when one is one the way. It always starts as a sore throat, and then goes from there. I was trying to get my sleep, and fight it off. However, it didn't seem to help.
Anyways, aside from being sick and grumpy, I rediscovered the joys of downloading comic book torrents. I did it before awhile back for some obscure stuff, but then the thought occurred to me, "Hey, I could probably get almost any comic that I have ever wanted to read!".
I did some researching on Wikipedia to find out which series I might want to grab first, and I discovered that there was a Marvel Zombie series put out.
It also included crossover with the infamous Ash from the Evil dead/Army of Darkness universe.
I wont give much away, however it was a soso read. Some of it was funny, but very morbid at times and gory. So reader beware :P
Also a few of the events erked me, especially some of the deaths that occured, and the characters that were zombified.
I am not much of a comic book geek, I don't collect, but I do like to follow the story lines of the major characters in the Comic Book Universes.
I wonder if comic books are eligible as possible book club materials.....
Anyways, aside from being sick and grumpy, I rediscovered the joys of downloading comic book torrents. I did it before awhile back for some obscure stuff, but then the thought occurred to me, "Hey, I could probably get almost any comic that I have ever wanted to read!".
I did some researching on Wikipedia to find out which series I might want to grab first, and I discovered that there was a Marvel Zombie series put out.
It also included crossover with the infamous Ash from the Evil dead/Army of Darkness universe.
I wont give much away, however it was a soso read. Some of it was funny, but very morbid at times and gory. So reader beware :P
Also a few of the events erked me, especially some of the deaths that occured, and the characters that were zombified.
I am not much of a comic book geek, I don't collect, but I do like to follow the story lines of the major characters in the Comic Book Universes.
I wonder if comic books are eligible as possible book club materials.....
Army of Darkness,
Evil Dead,
Marvel Zombies,
Sunday, October 5, 2008
lots to say
Well I think I am getting sick. I am tired, my throat is really scratchy, and I am grumpy.
Other than the last day, I had a good week. I worked out a few times, got to spend Thursday and Friday on Course which I got paid for and included free snacks, lunch, and coffee.
Also we got to make bookmarks to commemorate our class.... If anybody has the chance to take a "Keeping Spirit in Life and the Workplace" workshop, I strongly suggest you take it :)
Also I finished Doom 3 again. Hopefully I will stop playing it in lieu of more worthwhile pursuits.... maybe I will play F.E.A.R. again :P
Raked some leaves, even though I'll probably have to rake them again once the rest of the neighborhoods trees leaves fall....
Oh, and I saw "The Incredible Hulk" the 2008 with Edward Norton in it. It was actually pretty good. The previous "Hulk" released in 2003 with Eric Bana was so so, it wasn't completely crap, but it definitely could have been much better.
The scene with the dogs pissed me off, sure they were evil and angry and "Hulked out", but he didn't have to beat them up, should have just sprayed them with a "Hulk Hose".
Other than the last day, I had a good week. I worked out a few times, got to spend Thursday and Friday on Course which I got paid for and included free snacks, lunch, and coffee.
Also we got to make bookmarks to commemorate our class.... If anybody has the chance to take a "Keeping Spirit in Life and the Workplace" workshop, I strongly suggest you take it :)
Also I finished Doom 3 again. Hopefully I will stop playing it in lieu of more worthwhile pursuits.... maybe I will play F.E.A.R. again :P
Raked some leaves, even though I'll probably have to rake them again once the rest of the neighborhoods trees leaves fall....
Oh, and I saw "The Incredible Hulk" the 2008 with Edward Norton in it. It was actually pretty good. The previous "Hulk" released in 2003 with Eric Bana was so so, it wasn't completely crap, but it definitely could have been much better.
The scene with the dogs pissed me off, sure they were evil and angry and "Hulked out", but he didn't have to beat them up, should have just sprayed them with a "Hulk Hose".
Thursday, October 2, 2008
blog hog
Was in a work sponsored course today. I don't have to pay, I still get payed my wage for the day. I got a free lunch and coffee and cookies and muffins. Plus, the course is two days..... so I get to do the same thing tomorrow!!!! :) pretty sweet.
Oooo there might be a recession soon, which means I might be able to buy a super cheap house if everybody who barely got into got in there overpriced 40 year mortgages walk out of them.
If it happens I will feel sorry for all those people who desperately needed a house, and are barely getting by now paying for it.
Also, I might be starting a group that will protest (in a friendly comical way) againt the online MMORPG, World of Warcraft or aka WOW.
I will call the group, People Against World of Warcraft, or PAWOW!
The amount of lives, relationships and even death that have occurred because of this game is pretty astounding..... I don't have any actual statistics, but I'm sure I will find some on Google.
Also I have been told that WOW takes has 10 million suscribers, which they charge the users approx. $15 a month to play. So that means they rake in 150 million a month, or 1.8 billion dollars a year! Also, they occasionally release an expansion pack every year or so, which retails around $50 each, so thats another 500 million every year! WTF its a video game people!!!!
2.3 billion dollars are being spent on a video game! No wonder were still trying to cure cancer, or Aids, or poverty.
Oooo there might be a recession soon, which means I might be able to buy a super cheap house if everybody who barely got into got in there overpriced 40 year mortgages walk out of them.
If it happens I will feel sorry for all those people who desperately needed a house, and are barely getting by now paying for it.
Also, I might be starting a group that will protest (in a friendly comical way) againt the online MMORPG, World of Warcraft or aka WOW.
I will call the group, People Against World of Warcraft, or PAWOW!
The amount of lives, relationships and even death that have occurred because of this game is pretty astounding..... I don't have any actual statistics, but I'm sure I will find some on Google.
Also I have been told that WOW takes has 10 million suscribers, which they charge the users approx. $15 a month to play. So that means they rake in 150 million a month, or 1.8 billion dollars a year! Also, they occasionally release an expansion pack every year or so, which retails around $50 each, so thats another 500 million every year! WTF its a video game people!!!!
2.3 billion dollars are being spent on a video game! No wonder were still trying to cure cancer, or Aids, or poverty.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I had a pretty good day yesterday. My buddy Travis is back from working up north for the Forestry Dept, and he is now going to be around more as he got a job in Calgary.
He is a pretty awesome guy, pretty much the nicest guy I have even known.
He is also super fit, and motivational. He made me work out after supper for an hour.
I don't feel super sore either, but its probably been 8+ months since I've done any weight lifting.
I also was happy with myself. I played doom until 11:30, then was in bed at 12:08. I still 'accidentally' slept in, so I did in fact get 8hours sleep last night!! woo hoo!
I don't feel that much better, but I don't feel like a complete zombie today... so that's good....
I might try to go for a job after work tonight, but jogging is the hardest thing for me to do.
Oh ya, me and Travis also watched a movie last night called "In Bruges" with Collen Farrel, Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes. It was freakin hilarious. There are some scenes that were so ridiculously funny that we had to rewind them to watch again. I am usually against rewinding a movie to watch a scene again, but holy crap we just had too!
I have to start thinking up some ideas for cool halloween costumes for work.... only 30 days til halloween!!
He is a pretty awesome guy, pretty much the nicest guy I have even known.
He is also super fit, and motivational. He made me work out after supper for an hour.
I don't feel super sore either, but its probably been 8+ months since I've done any weight lifting.
I also was happy with myself. I played doom until 11:30, then was in bed at 12:08. I still 'accidentally' slept in, so I did in fact get 8hours sleep last night!! woo hoo!
I don't feel that much better, but I don't feel like a complete zombie today... so that's good....
I might try to go for a job after work tonight, but jogging is the hardest thing for me to do.
Oh ya, me and Travis also watched a movie last night called "In Bruges" with Collen Farrel, Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes. It was freakin hilarious. There are some scenes that were so ridiculously funny that we had to rewind them to watch again. I am usually against rewinding a movie to watch a scene again, but holy crap we just had too!
I have to start thinking up some ideas for cool halloween costumes for work.... only 30 days til halloween!!
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