So I survived the Wedding, and the day after.... It was pretty nice as far as Weddings go. I think
I've been to over 10 weddings, and during each one a little voice inside my head screams, "Like hell I am paying 20K+ for one bloody day!!!".
It's not that I am against the idea of finding a soul mate and bonding for life and all that jazz, it's just I don't feel like one day of anything justifies spending enough money to buy a new car, or a
down payment on a house...
The ceremony was held out in
Kananaskis Village, over looking the valley. It was pretty awesome.
Unfortunately it being almost October once the sun decided to hide behind a cloud for the whole thing, it got
freakin' cold. I am a pretty hearty guy, and I was wearing a long sleeve shirt, and I started to get super cold. I feel bad for the bride and the bridesmaids who were all wearing sleeveless.
They did look quite lovely, and the bride was stunning.
And no I'm not gay, I just think they were amazing looking.
I didn't have much cash (like $10), it was supposed to be a Twoonie bar so I thought I'd be set for the evening. As it turns out the drinks were around 3:5o, so I ended up drinking the not so crappy tasting wine. I usually don't like wine, but this stuff wasn't too bad at all. And it was FREE!!!!
It kind of bugged me more that I didn't have that much cash on me. Even though I have debit, and a credit card, there is something about having a good chunk of cash on hand that makes me feel secure. Some places don't take plastic, and I am sure the bar at the reception would have been one of them... some other notible places that don't take plastic are drug dealers, prostitutes, and the Tim Horton's at the Airport.